Independent Producer of Certified Aircraft Parts
HEICO Aerospace's Parts Group is the world's largest independent supplier of FAA- Approved engine and component parts, holding over 5,000 PMAs and producing more than 400 new, highly engineered, parts each year. The Parts Group offers products for almost every engine platform and most ATA Chapters ranging from nuts/bolts, combustors and rotating airfoils, to fuel pump gears, bronze bearings, interiors, IFE and composite parts.
HEICO Aerospace, in which we hold a 20 percent stake, is the world's biggest development organization, producer and provider of engine and other aircraft components. The company develops and produces high-technology parts and also repairs entire aircraft components. HEICO Aerospace dispatches over four million parts a year – that is, almost half of all the internationally certified, non-OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts – to the biggest airlines.
Its core business is the development and production of engine parts such as combustor outlets, turbine blades and other high-value, high-tech parts for engines and motors made by almost all the big manufacturers.
The Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) approval provides the legal authorization for the worldwide use of these parts. Cooperation partners that regularly purchase and use HEICO products include Lufthansa and nearly all big American airlines.