Line Maintenance

Ready for take-off

Airplanes have to be safe and they have to be ready for take-off on time – this is basically what line maintenance is all about!

Our long heritage in the airline business has endowed us with extensive technical experience as well as a profound knowledge of operating fleets of every kind and size. This makes us a preferred partner for providing line maintenance. But we offer more than just technical support; at Lufthansa Technik you will find a wide array of flexible maintenance solutions tailored to your needs. They all share a single focus: meeting your MRO requirements to increase your competitiveness. More than 60 customers entrust their fleet to us. Our line maintenance engineers are available at international and German domestic stations, all of them giving their best to deserve this trust.


Price List Line Maintenance Services valid from 01. October  2023

Applicable for ​all Lufthansa Technik ​line maintenenace stations

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Capability List 

PDF | 178 KB
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580… highly skilled technicians are at your service worldwide
Runway with clouds

Your ​personal contact

Gyula Voros

Sales & Key Account Manager Line Maintenance Stations

Lufthansa Technik I Budapest, Hungary


Line Maintenance: Operational Support

Boosting Your Maintenance

You just want to concentrate on your core business and are looking for assistance when it comes to operational routines on-site? We offer transit-checks with any kind of line maintenance support fit for your requirements at all our stations worldwide. These include assistance for transits, layovers, and night-stops. This may also encompass liaison with fuel suppliers, supervision of fueling/defueling operations, check and verification of the delivered fuel quantity, draining of water from aircraft fuel tanks, final administration and hand-over of the fueling documentation to your representatives. Just give us a chance to help out! 

Technical Operations Management

Your best ​person

We listen to our customers. As one result we have developed a solution for operators who strive for a high integration of our MRO services into their individual operations. We call this solution Technical Operations Management (TOM).  A TOM fleet manager at the customer's home base has direct access to our entire organization and can take care of every aspect of engineering and line maintenance. At the same time, our fleet manager takes over important management functions, for instance in planning and fulfillment management – always in close cooperation with the airline's flight operations and at the local level! 

Maintenance Organization Approvals Worldwide



Asia and Australia

Africa and Middle East

Quality Management



Maintenance Operation Center

One number ​opens all doors

For any kind of technical inquiry just contact our Customer Support Center. It handles all operational inquiries and AOG requests 24/7 coordinating highly experienced troubleshooting and engineering support. This includes technicians, tooling and logistic support for both scheduled and unplanned repairs wherever the aircraft is located.
We have accumulated an unmatched fund of knowledge about everything that can go wrong with an airplane – as a result, many problems can be solved quickly for the simple reason that they have occurred before - and we have the solution ready.
We also have teams of specialists that are ready to fly on short notice whenever and wherever your aircraft cannot – our Airline Support Teams (AST®). 

Discover more

Base Maintenance 

Tool Loan