
Have a nice ​flight!

For a nice ​time on board

For the past 20 years we have been designing, developing, and delivering high-quality cabin management and entertainment systems to the VIP and business jet market. Our flying systems exceed our customers' expectations in terms of design, video and audio quality, user interface, and reliability. Today, we have developed a 4K/HRD distribution system, which entered into service in 2021. We are now in development of a »nice« software platform that will enhance digital experience, facilitate operations and launch new personalized products and features business-jet travelers long for. This software will enter into service in 2024.

>1500»nice« systems are flying, exceeding our customer's expectations 

Right from the start we based our architecture on Ethernet (IP) data distribution – the world's standard networking technology. Our systems routinely surpass contracted mean time between failure (MTBF) requirements and have become the acknowledged industry standard for high-quality in-flight entertainment and cabin management systems on large and small business jets. The latest generation of »nice« – the fiber optic network based »nice 4K« – can rightly claim to be the best cabin management and entertainment system on the market. 

Integrated system

The nice way of life

With our app »niceview MOBILE« we offer a moving map system with 3D graphics in high resolution to use on your personal device. You can navigate the world by yourself and receive real-time information in your native language. »niceview MOBILE« can easily be integrated into standard inflight entertainment.


Built with the future in mind

Upgrades made easy

Thanks to its open architecture, »nice« is highly configurable and flexible, allowing us to offer a wide variety of cabin equipment packages – from lighting and environmental control to the highest quality in audio and video entertainment. And it goes without saying that third-party solutions such as satellite communications and TV, portable audio/video devices or cameras can also be integrated easily into the »nice« system. We have continuously developed and advanced our experience and capabilities in the area of aircraft-based Ethernet networks. Thus, changes and system upgrades to an installed »nice« system are possible without expensive rewiring or structural modifications. This makes it the ultimate technology in terms of sustainability and supportability – truly ‘future-proof'. 

Challenger 300 Entertainment System

Benefit from a totally new in-flight experience!

It is time to upgrade your Challenger 300 cabin management system and inflight-entertainment to the next level by introducing »niceHD«. »niceHD« is the latest Challenger 350 OEM trusted system and is the industry leader in simplicity and usability. Elevate your aircraft cabin experience to a new technological dimension.

Our upgrade kits are installed quickly and easily enhance your aircraft cabin. The kits are designed to make use of existing cut-outs thereby minimizing modifications to the cabin interior and include brand new features:

  • Fresh PCUs
  • 22" and 20" HD screens
  • Bluetooth® for use of wireless headphones or audio streaming 
  • New Hi-Fi speakers and subwoofers
  • »niceview MOBILE« (3D Moving map system)
  • Powerful USB-C charging
  • niceHD app for iOS and Android
  • Stylish Graphical User Interface
  • »nice 4K«

»nice HD«


  • Easy to use, install and maintain
  • Light-weight and flexible
  • PEX HDR brightness and color certification requirements for onboard 4K media
  • Highly configurable, customizable and flexible integrated network
  • Interoperable with portable consumer devices, such as smart phones and tablets
  • Multi-tasking, animated Graphical User Interface

»nice HD« Retrofit

Product Sheet

PDF | 316 KB
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Your personal contact

Rabih Jamileh

Sales Executive

Lufthansa Technik AG | Hamburg, Germany

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IFE & Connectivity: ​Connected to the world

Your perfect connectivity solution

Life cycle support for ​VIP planes